Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai (Dub)
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Childhood friends Arumi and Sasshi are residents of the Abenobashi commercial district in Abeno-ku, Osaka. After an accident, they find themselves transported to an alternate sword and sorcery world. Their attempt to get back to reality finds them traversing a series of nonsensical worlds built on science fiction, war, fantasy, dating sim games and American movies. Each alternate Abenobashi is a surreal manifestation of Sasshi's otaku interests, populated by analogs of the protagonist's relatives and acquaintances and a blue-haired stranger known as Eutus.
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Parody
Released: 2002
Episodes: 13
Status: Completed
Other name: Abenobashi Mahou☆Shoutengai, Magical☆Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Abenobashi Magic Shopping District, Abenobashi Mahoh Shotengai, Magical Shopping Street Abenobashi, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, アベノ橋魔法☆商店街
gogoanime Alternative: Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai (Dub)