Ai Yori Aoshi Special
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Hanabishi Kaoru is a junior in college, living out an ordinary life of studying and friends. One day, he meets a girl whom he discovers is his old friend Sakuraba Aoi, a girl whom he was supposed to have an arranged marriage with. Together, the two rediscover aspects of their pasts that they had tried to suppress while setting out in their lives with one another. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unwanted guests that keep lurking around in their lives. How is their love going to unfold?
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life
Released: 2002
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: 藍より青し~縁~ Miyuki, Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi - Miyuki
gogoanime Alternative: Ai Yori Aoshi Special