Anime Mirai 2014

Type: TV Series

Plot Summary: Anime Mirai project announced the four studios that will each receive 38 million yen (about US$370,000) from the "Young Animator Training Project" to make half-hour anime. Just like the last three years, the Japan Animation Creators Association (JAniCA) received money from the Japanese government's Agency for Cultural Affairs, and it will distribute most of those funds to studios who will train young animators on-the-job this year. - Harmonie - Kuro no Sumika -Chronus- - Ookii 1 Nensei to Chiisana 2 Nensei - Parol no Mirai Shima


Released: 0

Episodes: 4

Status: Completed

Other name:

gogoanime Alternative: Anime Mirai 2014

Anime Mirai 2014

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