Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: The “heartwarming comedy” story poses the following premise: “What if you can really transform into an animal?” Riko, Rimu and Nagisa Mikogami are three cute sisters who live in Kamihama, a Japanese city abundant with natural wonders. On an otherwise peaceful day, the three come across a mysterious Kirumin compact in an attic. With the Kirumin, the… more The “heartwarming comedy” story poses the following premise: “What if you can really transform into an animal?” Riko, Rimu and Nagisa Mikogami are three cute sisters who live in Kamihama, a Japanese city abundant with natural wonders. On an otherwise peaceful day, the three come across a mysterious Kirumin compact in an attic. With the Kirumin, these character-costume-wearing girls can transform into real animals.
Genre: Comedy, Magic, Shoujo
Released: 2009
Episodes: 50
Status: Completed
Other name: Anymal Tantei Kiruminzoo, Animal Tantei Kiruminzoo, Animal Detectives Kiruminzoo, Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzoo, Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu, あにゃまる探偵 キルミンずぅ
gogoanime Alternative: Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu