Bleach: Memories in the Rain
Type: Special
Plot Summary: Kurosaki Ichigo, the temporary Shinigami(Death God) for Kuchiki Rukia, discovers his mother's killer as one of the Hollows he has been hunting. He does battle with it in a prideful battle of revenge. This Special is actually a flashback of previous episodes in Bleach. After the ending credits, a short plays showing Shinigami and their Zanpakutos to "Number One" from the Bleach Soundtrack.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural
Released: 2004
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: Bleach: Jump Festa 2004, ブリーチ Memories in the Rain
gogoanime Alternative: Bleach: Memories in the Rain
Bleach: Memories in the Rain
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