Chibi Maruko-chan (1995) (Dub)
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called "Chibi Maruko-chan" due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister in a little town. In school, she has many friends with whom she studies and plays together everyday, including her close pal, Tama-chan; the student committee members, Maruo-kun and Migiwa-san; and the B-class trio: 'little master' Hanawa-kun, Hamaji-Bu Taro and Sekiguchi-kun. This is a fun-loving and enjoyable anime that portrays the simple things in life.
Genre: Comedy, Kids, School, Slice of Life
Released: 1995
Episodes: 31
Status: Completed
Other name: Maruko-chan, ちびまる子ちゃん
gogoanime Alternative: Chibi Maruko-chan (1995) (Dub)