Crayon Shin-chan Movie 25: Shin-chan Shuurai! Uchuujin Shiriri
Type: Movie
Plot Summary: The film's story begins when Shiriri, an alien, arrives and turns Hiroshi and Misae into children. To turn them back, Shinnosuke must travel the length of Japan with Shiriri hidden in his butt. Meanwhile, Shiriri's father is moving forward with a huge conspiracy.
Genre: Comedy, Seinen
Released: 2017
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: 映画クレヨンしんちゃん 襲来!! 宇宙人シリリ
gogoanime Alternative: Crayon Shin-chan Movie 25: Shin-chan Shuurai! Uchuujin Shiriri
Crayon Shin-chan Movie 25: Shin-chan Shuurai! Uchuujin Shiriri
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