Digimon X-Evolution
Type: Movie
Plot Summary: A virtual world was created by the present-day network called the "Digital World". The "Digital Monster", which is a digital life object, was born, and the host computer "Yggdrasil" managedthe different Digital World areas. However, it developed the "X-Program" of fear to eliminate all Digimon in the old world and develop a new Digital World for only certain Digimon... Now, the greatest crisis ever approaches the Digital World!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Released: 2005
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: Digital Monster X-evolution, Digimon X, Digital Monster X-Evolution: 13 Royal Knights, デジタルモンスター ゼヴォリューション
gogoanime Alternative: Digimon X-Evolution
Elementor Pro: Elementor Pro