Garo: Vanishing Line (Dub)
Type: Fall 2017 Anime
Plot Summary: In a prosperous city named Russell City, an omen that threatens to shake its world begins to move within it. A man named Sword is the first to hear the first stirrings of the plot, and throws himself into a shadow war in order to expose it. His only clue is the key word "El Dorado." He meets Sophie, a woman searching for her missing older brother who has only left her with the same words: "El Dorado." With Sword having also lost his younger sister in the past, both are drawn together by the words, and work together to find out its meaning.
Genre: Action
Released: 2017
Episodes: 24
Status: Completed
Other name: 牙狼[GARO] -VANISHING LINE-
gogoanime Alternative: Garo: Vanishing Line (Dub)