Lupin III: Prison of the Past (Dub)
Type: Special
Plot Summary: The episode focuses on Lupin's gang descending upon the Kingdom of Dorrente in order to rescue a famous thief who has been detained. While this takes place, the most notorious thieves from around the world gather in the kingdom.
Genre: Action, Adult Cast, Adventure, Comedy, Dub, Mystery, Seinen
Released: 2019
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: ルパン三世 プリズン・オブ・ザ・パスト 魯邦三世:過去的監獄 Lupin III - Prison of the Past Lupin Sansei: Prison of the Past Lupin III - Prigioniero del passato
gogoanime Alternative: Lupin III: Prison of the Past (Dub)
Lupin III: Prison of the Past (Dub)
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