One Outs
Type: TV Series
Plot Summary: Hiromichi Kojima, the star batter of the Lycaons, heads to Okinawa to train and bring himself out of a slump. There, he meets Toua Tokuchi, a 134-kmph/83 mph pitcher and the undisputed king of a gambling form of baseball called “One Out.” At Kojima’s urging, Tokuchi signs up with the Lycaons. His contract differs form the usual, though, in that he gets 5,000,000 yen for every out he pitches, but loses 50,000,000 yen for every point he gives up.
Genre: Psychological, Sports
Released: 2008
Episodes: 25
Status: Completed
Other name: ワンナウツ
gogoanime Alternative: One Outs
Elementor Pro: Elementor Pro
One Outs
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