Osomatsu-san Movie: Gekijou Koukai Kinen - Original Tanpen Gekijou
Type: ONA
Plot Summary: A short series depicting side stories about the brothers' daily life, released on dTV streaming service. It received an advance screening together with the movie on March 7 in Tokyo.
Genre: Comedy, Parody
Released: 2019
Episodes: 6
Status: Completed
Other name: Eiga no Osomatsu-san: Gekijou Koukai Kinen - Original Tanpen Gekijou, Mr. Osomatsu the Movie: Gekijou Koukai Kinen - Original Tanpen Gekijou, えいがのおそ松さん 劇場公開記念 オリジナル短編劇場
gogoanime Alternative: Osomatsu-san Movie: Gekijou Koukai Kinen - Original Tanpen Gekijou
Osomatsu-san Movie: Gekijou Koukai Kinen - Original Tanpen Gekijou
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