Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar
Type: OVA
Plot Summary: The story is set before the main story's "Battle in Nagoya" arc. The Shinoa Squad receives another mission from Guren; to rescue a human girl named Riko from a mysterious vampire, Shahar, and bring her back to her family. However, Ferid and Crowley also appear when they find Shahar. Can Yuuichirou save the girl?
Genre: Action, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire
Released: 2016
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Other name: 終わりのセラフ 吸血鬼シャハル
gogoanime Alternative: Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar
Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar
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