Rokka no Yuusha
Type: Summer 2015 Anime
Plot Summary: When the Majin awoke from the depths of darkness, the deity of fate chose six heroes and bequeathed them with the power to save the world. Adoretto, a boy who proclaims himself the strongest on Earth, has been selected among the Rokka no Yuusha (Heroes of the Six Flowers), and he goes to the rendezvous point — but seven have gathered there. The heroes suspect that someone among the seven is the enemy, and the initial suspicion falls on Adoretto.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Mystery
Released: 2015
Episodes: 12
Status: Completed
Other name: Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers, 六花の勇者
gogoanime Alternative: Rokka no Yuusha
Rokka no Yuusha
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