Sailor Moon (Dub)

Type: TV Series

Plot Summary: Tsukino Usagi is a 14-year old girl in junior high. She's ditzy, whiny, and a crybaby. She often flunks her tests, and she is always scolded by her family. However after a bad day, Usagi is surprised to encounter a black cat that can talk! The cat, Luna, grants Usagi the power to transform into Sailor Moon, a fighter who is to save the world against the Dark Kingdom and its evil ruler, Queen Beryl. Of course, Usagi can't do it alone, and there are others who will help her on the way...

Genre: Action, Comedy, Demons, Magic, Romance, School, Shoujo, Super Power

Released: 1992

Episodes: 46

Status: Completed

Other name: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, 美少女戦士セーラームーン

gogoanime Alternative: Sailor Moon (Dub)

Elementor Pro: Elementor Pro

Sailor Moon (Dub)

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