The Snack World (TV)
Type: Spring 2017 Anime
Plot Summary: In "a certain era" on "a certain continent," banal things are happening. The construction of "Large-Scale Leisure Facilities" has demanded that all the villages are to be evicted. When these demands are denied, the village and its residents are obliterated. A boy named Chap once lived in tranquility, but that happiness soon came crumbling down. He decides to embark on a journey of revenge, but soon falls madly in love with the king's daughter, Princess Melora. In order to fulfill her selfish wishes, he gathers his friends in order to overcome the impossible.
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids
Released: 2017
Episodes: 37
Status: Completed
Other name: スナックワールド (TV) ; Snack World
gogoanime Alternative: The Snack World (TV)